When and where should you arrive?
We suggest that you arrive in Chinle the night before so that you are ready to go when we meet the following morning. If you are participating in an Immersion tour we also suggest that you book someplace with a shower waiting for you the night that you leave.
Do you offer daily hikes or summer tours?
Yes, we open our reservations to day hikes on February 15th. Please subscribe to our mailing list below to receive updates on these and all other events.
Do you provide camping gear? What about cooking?
We cannot provide camping gear but we do have lots of cooking equipment for those in the Cultural Immersion. Maybe bring a light stove for coffee in the morning, a personal mug and bowl (and your own food of course), but we have a variety of large pots, pans, and skillets for meals.
Do you combine groups?
On both the Cultural Immersion Trips and Day Hikes groups can mix. As long as you see tickets available, you may join.
Can I go on a hike or run alone?
Within Canyon De Chelly, you are required to have a Navajo guide accompany you at all times. While it might be great to go on a run in the morning, help us honor Lupita's culture and be respectful by sticking around camp.
What about dogs?
Dogs are not allowed anywhere in the National Monument.
And Alcohol?
Given the history of alcohol on the Navajo Nation we ask that you respectfully leave your drinks at home.
Which Camp is Better?
It really depends on what you are looking for. Yei Bi Cheii will require hiking everyday, although the hikes are usually less than 3 miles long. Yei Bi Cheii is also in the canyon and there are archeological sites everywhere. Since it is at the confluence of the two main canyons, there will be jeep and foot traffic nearby during the day, but none at camp itself.
Sheep Camp is extremely remote and is not located within the National Park boundary. If you have a high clearance 4x4 vehicle, you can drive there. Full size school buses can make it in good weather. While the camp itself is not very scenic, the hikes from the rim are remarkable.
What about bad weather like flash floods or monsoons?
Regardless of where you go in Canyon De Chelly you will need to be prepared for all kinds of weather. The camp at Yei Bi Cheii is in a very safe place, although the stream may rise and make it temporarily uncrossable. In the worst case scenario, hikers would be able to walk across after a few hours, and then hike out of the canyon. Sheep Camp presents a different challenge: if the roads get very muddy, it can take days for them to dry. We frequently check the weather before large groups go to Sheep Camp and will make modifications to your trip if necessary.
What if there is a major medical emergency?
The National Park Service has some of the best search-and-rescue resources in the area. While there is very little cell service, there are places where we can quickly go to text or call 911.
What are the permits and permissions necessary to travel on tribal lands?
All visitors are required to have a certified guide on Navajo Tribal Lands as well as landowner permission, which in this case is Lupita. The Navajo Nation and National Park Service charge a daily hiking/camping fee to manage its visitor system. This is so that the Park can prevent vandalism, and in the case of an emergency, know where groups are. We cover this $8 per person per night cost in your reservation. With that said, your group leader will still need to fill out these permits.
What about the Special Use Permit and Large Groups?
The Navajo Nation and the National Park Service are very particular about commercial groups who run tours on tribal lands. If your group is larger than 15 people, the Park Service requires a Special Use Permit. For visitor safety, it wants to know where a large group is, as well as if it has liability insurance. For school districts or companies like REI, this is easy to provide. If you are a large group and do not have liability insurance, or you are a profit seeking company, the Park Service will require an additional $1000 deposit for your trip. The process is not difficult, but it can take up to two months to complete. We have worked with many large groups like the Sierra Club and have always gotten a permit.
If you are a school group, we highly recommend that you request an exemption to the fee and deposit. To do this, submit a letter written on official school letterhead explaining the purpose of your trip along with your permit application.
For more information on the special use permits, please visit this link.
Is “The Rez” safe?
It is very safe, particularly if you drive during daylight hours. At night it is harder to see cattle or people walking along the road. Once you are at Yei Bi Cheii or Sheep Camp, you will be miles away from strangers.
What about my car if I hike into Yei Bi Cheii?
We will leave your vehicle parked at Acey's house on the rim. He is a long time friend, never goes anywhere, and Footpath Journey's pays him to leave your car there for 4 days. He also sells jewelry but you are not obligated to buy any.
Want to learn more?
We are completed our first episode of the podcast "Bridge to Hozho". It is essentially a beginner's guide to understanding the Rez. Feel free to listen and share this information as widely as possible.
Advanced Tech
Packing List
This list is also available as a printable word document here.
Packing List for Canyon de Chelly
This list is divided into three parts: A day pack for short hikes, a duffle for all your camp stuff, and cooking.
DAYPACK (for hiking into the canyon)
______ Bag Lunch for 1st day.
______ 2 Large water bottles
______ Hiking shoes- sometimes you may have to take these off to cross streams. We necessarily recommend sandals because there are also a lot of cactus.
______ Hat
______ Sunscreen
______ Sunglasses
______ Camera
______ Light jacket just in case
______ Small first aid kit with basics (Ibuprofen and other medications)
LARGE PACK OR DUFFEL (These items will be transported into the canyon in the back of a truck.)
______ sleeping bag for cold weather (~ 25 – 40F at night)
______ sleeping pad, small pillow
______ tent
______ warm jacket - it may snow or freeze anytime before June.
______ warm hat
______ Light Jacket or Sweater (additional layer for cold evenings)
______ Rain Jacket (waterproof jacket or poncho is REQUIRED)
______ 2 pairs of long water resistant/quick drying pants
______ 1 pair of shorts
______ 1 long sleeve shirt (for sun protection)
______ 2 t-shirts
______ underwear and hiking socks for three days (synthetic recommended)
______ extra pair of shoes/ hiking boots.
______ towel, simple toiletries (toothbrush & toothpaste, soap, feminine products)
______ flashlight or headlamp w/extra batteries
______ book/ journal
______ camp chair
______ hammock
______ soccer ball/ frisbee
______ small musical instruments
Your group will need to bring dinner for the first two nights of the trip as well as snacks, breakfasts, and lunches. Navajo Tacos and fry bread are provided the third night for you.
There are a lot of items already out at Yei Bi Cheii Camp. These include:
-A Large Three Burner Propane Stove w/ Propane
-2 55 gallon drums of water
-2 large cast iron skillets
-An entire sent of pots and pans
-Tables, tablecloths, benches, and 8 chairs
-Wash bins for dishes
What you will need to bring is:
______ coolers with your food
______ A bin for dry food (Rez dogs will chew through mesh bags)
______ A bin for your personal plates, utensils, and cups (our family brings a small cooking bin with a cutting board, wipes, a good knife, some mixing spoons, and other basics)
______ Small stove (Jetboil) for coffee
Other general info:
There is a central shaded gazebo in camp. It’s a great place for everybody to eat and cook.
There are two pit toilets at camp. We provide toilet paper. You may always bring extra.
There is a protected stall for solar showers. However, water is scarce. If you bring a solar shower, please use it extremely sparingly. My family just brings wet wipes to clean the basics.
As mentioned before, water is provided. With that said, for groups coming from nearby, if you want to fill and bring your own 5-gallon container, it always helps.
There is plenty of firewood. With that said, the fire poker stick is one of the most sacred things to the Dine’ people. Don’t ever throw it in the fire.
We highly discourage alcohol and portable speakers. Are we going to search your bag? No. Just remember that Yei Bi Cheii isn’t a party scene. It’s a place to connect with nature.
Finally, while 99% of folks who visit are respectful, make sure that everybody follows Lupita’s rules. This means being mindful of pottery, rock art, and their own safety. Never take anything, or scratch the canyon walls.

Loading up the vehicles with gear
The 3 Burner Propane Stove
There are lots of pots and pans at camp, including two cast iron skillets
Notice the plastic bins that this group brought for their food and other cooking supplies. These are the best for taking to camp because they are rez-dog proof and are easily transportable.
Cars safely parked at Acey's home
A view of Yei Bi Cheii Camp
Plenty of space for tents
Water in the gazebo
Stall for solar showers
The sacred fire poker- Do Not Burn

There are lots of sacred artifacts and rock art around camp. Enjoy, but don't touch or take anything please.